Welcome to our ZOO!

I had originally thought to create a site for me and my kids... but changed my mind and decided that this could also be a place where my entire extended 'family' could catch up.  The name comes from a door hanger that my buddy Debbie gave me -- it has a Teddy bear on it, and states, "This place is a ZOO!" -- Thanks, Deb, like I didn't know this already?  So here goes...

The Zoo!

Every Zoo has it's 'residents'... they change now and then, but there's usually a group that stays on... the hard-timers, you could say... (tee hee hee) -- So to meet the Family (sounds like the Manson Family, doesn't it?), friends, family-friends, pets and the like, use the links above.  Some are still under construction; some will continually be added to, with nifty links and cool new pictures and such -- and maybe some updates as to what folks are up to!  Who knows?

Just be careful where you step... I'm not cleaning off anyone's shoes but my own...

To see what we're up to lately, Little Bear says: hit the News Flash! button above... not only will you see anything new that's going on, you'll have links to our email addresses.  

If you do get messy, or have questions or comments, just email us or sign the guest book!

And, by the way -- most of this is still under construction -- so be patient...


And remember, a healthy furkid is a neutered furkid, so... 

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